15 years.

Today marks 15 years since I was diagnosed with diabetes.  During those 15 years I’ve gone from MDI to a pump back to MDI back to a pump.  Here are a few interesting stats I’ve come up with…(yay, math!):

  • Today is my 5480th day with diabetes.
  • For the 26 total months I used MDI, that means I’ve given myself at least 3200 injections.  Don’t you dare complain to me about your yearly flu shot! 🙂
  • Assuming I check my blood sugar an average of 8 times a day, that is 43,840 finger sticks.  (Who wants to treat me to a manicure?)
  • I’ve gotten blood drawn for A1c Tests, thyroid monitoring, etc. about 60 times.  And it hasn’t gotten easier.
  • I’ve changed my pump site approximately 1550 times.  I still suck at doing it left-handed.
  • Zero.  That’s the number of times I’ve clobbered someone after they have made an uneducated, rude, ignorant comment about diabetes.  Do I get a prize for this?

Fifteen years.  That’s a long time.  That’s longer than most Hollywood marriages.  It’s been a hell of a ride with this whole diabetes thing.  It’s made me a stronger woman, more compassionate towards others, more patient, some days a little angry and blue, but mostly, I’ve just been me.  I don’t know any different and I think if you told me that there was a cure and I’d be able to live life free of a pump, finger sticks, and worrying about how that food/exercise/adult beverage/sleeping in will affect my blood sugar, it’d be an interesting adjustment period.  One that I would welcome, of course, but it’s hard to grasp the concept of a life without diabetes!  Could you imagine?  It has been such a big part of who I am, but not all that I am.  I am also a friend, a sister, wife, daughter, kickboxer when I’m not lazy, wine lover, cartographer, blogger, Phillies fan, pasta eater, aunt, volunteer, beer drinker, (Volunteer beer drinker? Sign me up!), Homeland watcher, employee, baker…I am not just a diabetic.  I am Laura.  There’s so much more to me than diabetes.